I came accross this by an anonymous author I thought you might want it for your storybook;
First in a series;
March 1971., the second aniversary of Peoples Park.10 or 20 Yippies march from the Yippie house on Haste and Dana, where they all live, to Peoples Park looking for a fight. As they approach the Park from the south and cross Telegraph it looks like there are hundred's if not thousand's of people at the chain link fence surrounding the Park all in the mood to tussel.
The people are on the outside of the fence surrounding the Park and the cops are on the inside staring eye to eye, toe to toe through chain link fence. After a few minutes of give and take the head cop reads the riot act "...this is an unlawful assembly, you must disperse yadah, yadah, yadah". As if the signal everyone has been waiting for the crowd grabs the fence and starts pulling it down.
All hell promptly breaks loose.
A Yippie who has been spray painting the eye holes on cop's face masks with black spray paint is carried by, hit in the legs with (?). One of the few black Yippies he took special delight in picking out the black cops before and during the riot for his special brand of abuse.
More cops appear, people start retreating accross the street to the parking lot to the north of the park. It has turned into a scene of small roving bands fighting small groups of cops, ebbing and flowing, noise and tear gas. As one group retreats accross the parking lot the people trash a cop car parked there. Reaching through the window and unlocking the driver side door and reaching inside a young Yippie tries to remove the shotgun from its mount. Looking up he sees a row of cops through the window approaching the car with guns drawn.
Grabbed up by one of the crowd, under his arm, the misguided Yippie is rushed to safety on Telegraph Ave., avoiding arrest for the moment or worse perhaps? The Yippies protecting thier own? No Yippie, it was Isreal, one of those STP Family folks. This won't be the last time Isreal saves this misguided youth's ass, very good chance the youth thrives and prospers because of Isreal and the STP family.
This addled teenager didn't know it at the time but this is the begining of a decade that ranged from some of the best times in his life to times of shear madness.
Next 53rd street, red port, Mike Spike, Daisy Mae and a mountain of cheese.